Individual Mentoring

Online Yoga Therapy

Individualized Yoga

Yoga Cikitsa or Yoga Therapy is the skilled therapeutic application of the ancient practice and philosophy of yoga to promote and restore health at all levels. It can be practiced alone or used as a complement to medical treatment of chronic and acute physical and/or mental conditions.

Perhaps never before has a daily personalized home practice been more important to care-seekers. Yoga keeps the mind/body strong, resilient and calm during these times of change and uncertainty.

Private Yoga Therapy

Online Mentoring

Yoga Therapy sessions are held via Zoom.

Yoga Therapy offers an authentic approach to establishing a personal practice. Whether you are just discovering yoga, or are already a practitioner, working with me privately can help take your practice to a new level of understanding.

The Process

Each individual is honored in her present condition and supported with the appropriate tools of self-discovery in order to make lasting changes. Sessions are ideal for developing a personal practice, or for addressing specific health challenges, such as chronic conditions, recovery from treatment or injury, and structural imbalances that lead to pain and dysfunction.

The Results

Personalized instruction provides you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to practice at home. This results in a balanced program that promotes strength, stamina, flexibility, enhanced breathing, and mental steadiness.

The Teachings

The fundamental principles of what I teach are derived from Sri T. Krishnamacharya (The Father of Modern Yoga), the Ayurvedic system of health, and “The Yoga Sutras of Patanajli”–the authoritative text on yoga.

“I meet you where you are at and support you in moving forward to where you wish to be.”

-Monique Parker

How Yoga Therapy Works

You will first fill out a detailed questionnaire that includes your health challenges, goals, medical history, fitness level and daily habits. We then meet online where you will have a safe container to share your situation and goals.

After I observe how your breathing and specific movement patterns, I assess and customize a program for you to do at home. It is recommended that you practice and observe the effects for 7-14 days, after which we can decide if more sessions are required.

The foundation for each session is honest and compassionate feedback that helps to bring clarity to your current mental and physical health, as well as establishing goals. I serve as a facilitator, listening and observing, building a trusting relationship between us. Your active role in your self-care will empower you and be a source of great inner strength as you progress.

The Tools of Yoga Therapy

I use a wide range of mind/body practices that may be included in your sessions: yoga postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation techniques, meditation, chanting, sound, gesture, ritual, mantra-s, visualizations, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, text study, and myofascial release. The tools of yoga therapy and the application of these tools will evolve as your needs change.

Who is Yoga Therapy Ideal For?

Personal instruction is particularly helpful for those who wish to:

  • Build a foundation in yoga fundamentals
  • Establish or refine a home practice
  • Deepen their understanding of meditation, yoga philosophy, pranayama, mantra, and chant
  • Address specific health challenges or rehabilitate injuries
  • Strive for optimal health and prefer a slower-paced program in a one-on-one setting.

Yoga Therapy has been effectively used to treat:

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

  • Improved well being and health
  • Heightened concentration and clarity
  • Enhanced sense of harmony and connection
  • Reinforcement of positive habits
  • Better posture, balance, strength and flexibility
  • More resiliency
  • Reduction in negative tendencies
  • Better relationships
  • A sense of peace and acceptance

Foam Roller for Self-Myofascial Release

Self Massage

Unfortunately, stretching isn’t enough to release chronically tight muscles. And with COVID-19, getting a massage for many people is out of the question. Foam rolling is the perfect compliment to your home based yoga practice because it effectively deactivates knots in the connective tissue throughout your body while increasing blood flow and circulation.


By performing self-myofascial release on a simple foam roller, you can improve flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries. I offer weekly online foam rolling courses, as well as private instruction so that you can learn how to break down soft tissue adhesions and release trigger points, build core strength, improve stability, and stretch your entire body.

3’ x 6” foam roller is required.

Benefits of Foam Rolling
  • Relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation
  • Increase flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Improve posture and core strength
Join my upcoming group yoga therapy and roller courses.
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