
May 03 2024 - Jun 07 2024


US Mountain Time
3:00 pm - 4:15 pm




YA & IAYT Credit


Fridays, May 3 – June 7, 2024, 3-4:15PM MT
(6.5 hours)

About this Course

Rudra is another name of Lord Śiva. This chant salutes Śiva, the auspicious. When appeased through prayer, Rudra is a magnanimous protector and healer. Śiva is the God who helps us to let go of the things we cling to. This divine chant to Śiva is invigorating, uplifting, rhythmic and stimulating.

Who the Art of  Vedic Chanting Courses are for

The Art of Vedic Chanting courses are designed for anyone who wants to inspire his/her spiritual path or yoga practice. The study and chanting of the Veda-s brings you closer to your heart and is a way to expedite healing, develop and refine listening and awareness skills, and access deeper states of meditation.

      • Discover your voice for self-empowerment
      • Develop your breath and concentration through sound
      • Learn how to read and vocalize Romanized Sanskrit
      • Understand the basic phonetic and grammar rules of Vedic chanting
      • Harness the calming and balancing effect on the nervous system
      • Comprehend the meaning of selected chants
      • Deepen your yoga and spiritual practice
      • Enhance lung capacity and oxygen supply to entire body
      • Participate in an ancient, authentic transmission of call-and-response sadhana
      • Join a small, dedicated sangha of Vedic chanters committed to personal development
      • No previous experience in singing or chanting required, only a sincere interest and desire to learn
      • This course provides 7 CEUs with IAYT

6.5 Hour Course: $195

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