Mondays, November 8-29, 3-4 PM MT (4 hours) *fulfills 4 non-contact/contact hours   About this Course Learn to Vedic Chant with Monique Parker. This chant from the Rgveda-samhitā addresses the goddess Lakshmī, the consort of Lord Vishnu. Śrisūktam is chanted to please Devi Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and...

Monday, May 24 3-4PM MT Tuesday & Wednesday, May 25 & 26 3-4:30PM (4 hours) *fulfills 4 non-contact/contact hours   About this Course This chant glorifies Visnu, also known as Nārāyana, one of the three gods who form the divine trinity of Santāna-dharma and who is the protector of all beings....

Thur, June 10, 3-4PM, Friday June 11 & Sat June 12 3-4:30 PM MT (4 hours) *fulfills 4 non-contact/contact hours   About this Course Nīlā Devi is the blue-hued deity who is consort of Lord Visnu. Meditating upon her brings clarity in perception so that our mind becomes like a...

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