Vahana of Saraswati


Vahana of Saraswati is a painting by Monique Parker inspired by the blessings of Goddess Saraswati created during Navaratri (9 nights of Goddess Durga). This painting was made while chanting sacred mantra during Navaratri. Museum-quality prints and canvas prints made from original acrylic painting.


Original Painting

8×8 original acrylic painting on canvas board by Monique Parker

      • Unframed, Varnished
      • Signed on front and back
      • Free Priority Mail shipping within the USA. Domestic shipping & handling with tracking and insurance is included and shipped via USPS at no extra cost. Please contact me for international rates from Taos, New Mexico or to arrange pick up in Taos.
      • NM tax for instate purchase only


Museum-quality Poster Prints

Museum-quality poster made on long-lasting matte (uncoated) archival paper. This poster paper is more yellowish (off white) as no optical brighteners are used during production.

      • Paper-weight: 250 gsm / 110 lb
      • Shipped in sturdy packaging protecting the poster
      • Unframed; You are purchasing the art print
      • Monique Parker Studios retains all copyright ownership
      • Free Shipping within the USA. Shipping outside of the USA $11.


Canvas Prints

      • Canvas texture intensifies the image’s natural look and feel.
      • Canvas frames are made of FSC® certified wood. When not available PEFC or equivalent.
      • Canvas has a 1.6″ thick frame
      • Shipped in protective packaging and strong boxes for safe transportation.
      • Mounting kit included
      • Free Shipping within the USA. Shipping outside of the USA $30.


Please allow 2-3 weeks from date of order to receive order. Include tax for NM. Returns considered for damaged merchandise when contacted within 3 days of receipt and include photos of merchandise.

Additional Information
Print Type

Canvas Print, Museum Quality Poster Print


8 x 8, 10 x 10, 12 x 12, 16 x 16, 20 x 20, 24 x 24, 28 x 28

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