Therapeutic Yoga

8-weeks, Tuesdays, Aug 20-Oct 8, 3-5PM MT


Join Monique for mindful coordinated movement and breath awareness classes.


8-weeks, Tuesdays, Aug 20-Oct 8, 3-5PM MT at UNM-Taos

Join Monique for Yoga for Wellness, mindful coordinated movement and breath awareness classes offered through UNM-Taos. In this class you will guided through:


      • Therapeutically sequenced series of postures and functional movement for stability and relaxation
      • Releasing tension and chronic discomfort, balance musculoskeletal conditions
      • Increasing range of motion, reduce pain, create equanimity and peace


The Tools of Therapeutic Yoga


I use a wide range of mind/body practices that may be included in your sessions: yoga postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation techniques, meditation, chanting, sound, gesture, ritual, mantra-s, visualizations, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, text study, and myofascial release. The tools of yoga therapy and the application of these tools will evolve as your needs change.


Therapeutic Yoga has been effectively used to treat:



I also offer private and small group mentoring in yoga therapy.


Who is Therapeutic Yoga Ideal For?


Personal instruction is particularly helpful for those who wish to:

  • Build a foundation in yoga fundamentals
  • Establish or refine a home practice
  • Deepen their understanding of meditation, yoga philosophy, pranayama, mantra, and chant
  • Address specific health challenges or rehabilitate injuries
  • Strive for optimal health and prefer a slower-paced program in a one-on-one setting.




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