Woman on Foam Roller


May 19 2024


US Mountain Time
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm



Foam Roller for Myofascial Release with Monique

Sunday, May 19 1-3PM, MT  Yoga Sala-Questa, NM

(2 hours)

In this Course:

    • Relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation
    • Increase flexibility and joint range of motion
    • Improve posture and core strength
    • 3’ x 6” foam roller required for class.

Self Massage

Foam rolling is the perfect compliment to your home based yoga practice because it effectively deactivates knots in the connective tissue throughout your body while increasing blood flow and circulation. By performing self-myofascial release on a simple foam roller, you can improve flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries. I offer weekly online foam rolling courses, as well as private instruction so that you can learn how to break down soft tissue adhesions and release trigger points, build core strength, improve stability, and stretch your entire body.


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